Jessica Chaplin
Jess joined The Sophia Foundation, as an Advisory Committee member in 2014 and through her growing support and connection with the foundation became a trustee in 2016.
Based in Durban, she is co-founder and development manager of the Savanna Foundation whose focus is predominantly on forming meaningful relationships with organisations in the fields of education, conservation, and safety and security for under-served communities.
"Perhaps never before has so much in our lives changed so dramatically and quickly. It seems everything has been upended, leaving no solid ground beneath our feet. How can we draw on our inner wisdom and the wisdom of the ages to get to the heart of our stress, anger, grief and fear."
Omega Institute
A devoted mother to her two daughters she has in her spare time pursued a personal passion project called ‘Conscious Keepers’ aimed at imparting valuable knowledge and information to young children in a fun and playful way. She has a Bachelor of Arts and PGDEM from Rhodes University.
The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature.
Joseph Campbell, Mythologist