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Art of transformation, healing and community development

ASTAR (Awakening Spirit through Art) is an approach where artmaking is used as a natural healing modality and a path to raising consciousness.  This comes out of the belief of the founder, Lindy Solomon, that when art is made without judgement in a sacred environment where all creative work is honoured as a part of the journey towards wholeness, it is essentially self-healing, transformative and empowering.  The Astar Project (TAP) was registered as a non-profit company to formalise their community outreach in 2016.


Contact: Lindy Solomon

Project Supported

2017  TAP Personal Development Art Course as part of the Seeding Futures Programme

offered by SEED.


2019  TAP Personal Development Art Course as part of Indoni Dance, Arts and Leadership Academy Programme.


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A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of

Nelson Mandela


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